বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দশম খণ্ড).pdf/২৮৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

01 Aug 71 01 Aug 71 02 Aug 71 0200 02 Aug 71 | 000 hrs 03 Aug 71 0|45 hrs 03 Aug 71 0.145 03 Aug 71 03 Aug 71 2200 Shabazpur -do Pabnia Bridge Shabazpur Kangli Shabazpur Beanibazar Baralekha 264 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : দশম খন্ড At 0900 hrs 3” MOR sec successfully fired 6 rqs on Pak tps and Razakar when they were constructing bunkers in area Shabazpur BOP. They ran away lime anything and have not returned. The process was continued. The fol parties have been sent inside: I. A party of 4 FF with explosive sent to Gota Tiker a place 2% miles east side from Sylhet town to destroy main gas pipline leading to Fenchugonj Fertilizer Factory. 2.2 FF with gren sent to Sylhet town to throw gren on movement of Pak party at night. 3. 2 FF with gren sent to Carkai to destroy Post and Tel office. 4. 2 FF with gren sent to Golapgonj to destroy Tel exchange and post office. 5. 4 FF with Pek-1 (explosive) sent to Mongla Bazar to destroy Pillars. One plwith FF and MF protection was sent to destroy Pabnia Bridge (GR476554) on Baralekha and Shabazpur rd. the party destroyed the bridge completely and returned successfully. They did the job under en fire. The same bridge was destroyed once before but the Pak typs repaired it. We fired 12 rqs 3” MOR on Shabazpur Rly Sta. Cfm through source that one Razakar has been killed and to Paktps and two Razakars seriously wounded. One P1 MF went to destroy Kangali Ferry and raid Razakar guarding the ferry. At 0145 hrs we raided the place and captured one 303 Rifle. The new ferry was demolished with the help of explosive and sank. Our cas nil. A Jitter party went to Shabazpur Rly sta and fired 24 rqs of 2" MOR on area Godown, and sta running room. En cas not known. Own cas nil. A Jitter party sent to Beanibazar. Razakars opened fired on them before they could reach the target. The party replied and chased the Razakars. A party was sent to lay mines AP on Baralekha rd. they laid 16 mines and come back. Our Baralekha party raided the house of Pak supporters and arrested 5 (five). They also captured one civ gun from the house of one Pak supporter.