পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৮১

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WYAVASTHA-DARPANA 726 “Accordingly, sons given and the rest do not incur the guilt of a parivitri and the like : for a text of Goutama recites: “By marriage and the establishing a consecrated fire, the offence of ‘parivehana' does not attach to a halfborther, a son given, and the son of a paternal uncle likewise.”— ‘To a half brother'] on the marriage and so forth of either of two brothers, by different mothers, the offence denominated parivedana' is not incurred. This is the meaning. A son given] It is meant that, although there be an elder brother in the family of the natural father, the adoptwd son is not, (should he marry and so forth,) a “parivitri,’ nor also by such previous marriage and the like, of the younger, is the elder a parivettá,' or a person passively implicated in the criminal acts alluded to.”—Dattaka-mimānsā. pp. 129,180. (c) Equal to a Shūdra,'—It is declared by Manu : “ Brahmins, who tend herds of cattle, *o trade, who practise mechanical arts, who profess dancing and singing, who are hired servants or usurers, let the judge exhort and examine as if they were shūdras.” (o) “An idiot,’—a person deprived of the internal fueulty, or incapable of diseriminating right from wrong—isitáksáaré cited in the Udváña-lattea. See the chapter treating of exclu. sion from inheritance. [k] ‘Kuntha,’—indifferent to all affairs.” [g] ‘Not a householder,’—prohibited by law to have a wife: such as noishthika or perpetual hrahma-cháris, hermits, and hhikshus.*--See ante, p. 708. 輸 (j) ‘ One who acts according to his own wishes,'—that is, who acts according to his cwn inelination regardless of the (ordinances of the) scripture and law.” (t) . Unheard of that is, if good tidings (or 'the existence) of the elder brother gone abroad be not heard of, his younger brother may marry after having waited for one year; should the elder brother subsequently return, the younger, to atone for the sin committed in superseding his elder brother in marriage, must perform the expiation denominated ‘préjà‘patya*.–Práyashchitta-viveka. The waiting for three years for an elder brother gone abroad relates to the case where he is gone abroad for purposes other than the acquisition of science and religious merit” ; it being so declared in the subjoined texts of Washishtha and Goutama:— Pashistha – Should a younger brother marry without waiting for his elder brother, gone abroad, he must perform the penance : it is proper for a person to wait twelve years for his elder brother who is gone abroad to obtain religious merit and property, and is often heard

  • See the Udváha-tattwa.