९ ० রমেশ চন্দ্র দ 添 তু ১৯ অক্টোবর ১৮৯৯ হইতে প্রতি মঙ্গল ও বৃহস্পতিবার, ৬টি *** : fro–The Epics and the Epic Age of India. দক্ষিণ পূৰ্ব্ববং । রাষ্ট্রীয় আন্দোলন –নিজের সঙ্গন্ধে অনেকট নিশ্চিস্ত ছয়; রমেশচন্দ্র কৰ্ম্ম ক্ষেত্রে প্রদেশ কলি লৈল । f লিখিতেছেন ;--- I am struggling to get some literary fame by my translation of the ‘Mahabharata,' though the modern style of English poetry is Greek to me. I am struggling to make myself felt as an authority on Indian Bubjects, though as yet the journals and newspapers will scarcely condescend to publish what I write : and I am struggling to make my lectures at the University College a success,...I am writing all this not from mock modesty, but as I feel. It is a frightfully uphill work to establish your nama, and get a footing in the crowded and unsympathotic world of London, especially if your speciality is Indian subjects which tire Englishmen to death, However, I will see to the end of this struggle, and will even learn public-speaking at this fag-end of my life—for that is the only way to influence masses of Englishmen on politics. It is worth while making an arduous and manly struggle, if only to find out if distinction and fame are or are not possible. { London, 13 Jan. 1898, ) BBB BB BBBB BB BBBBBSSSBBBB SBBBBBB BBB লিথিয়াছিলেন – In the first place, my criticisms after I have retired from the service do not in the Jeast degree injure the prospects of other Bengalis in the service ; on the contrary, I believe they improve their chances. A little provocation does more good than eternal attempts at conciliation....... Secondly, I know the India Office. Considerations of race are paramount there ; they want to shut us out, not because we are critics, but because we are natives, and their policy is rule by
পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা পঞ্চম খণ্ড.pdf/৫১৫