দেশ-সেবা こ> Englishmen. They have matured this policy in twenty years— they have a vast mass of secret minutes in their archives on the subject. Licking the dust off their feet will not move them from this policy unsparing criticism and persistent fighting can, and will do it. Englishmen understand fighting, and they will yield to persistent fighting—not to begging, Thirdly, it is admitted perhaps that my Land Revenue agitation has dome some good, It has forced Government to correct past mistakes, to revise assessments in Bombay, Madras, and the Central Provinces, and to frame rules of remissions and suspensions when crops fail. And our personal interests sink করিয়াছিলেন, আমার তাeার উল্লেখ করা: ঃি {র্থে তিনি যে-সকল আন্দোলন করিয়াছি
- Is a Speeches and l'apers (2 vols.) e Ce.
এম. গুপ্ত-লিখিত Life and Work of liomesh Chunder Dutt C. I. E. SLLLLLLLL 0000S KB BBBJS KBB BBBS BBB BBBSBB است؟ - - .3 - --- - --------- ۔ -- BBSBBS BB K BBBS DDBB BBBSySBBS gg MMBB BB BB ঃ ইsে গৃষ্ঠীত । - >ರ್ಸಾ” - - ー※ **マー কংগ্রেসে নেতৃত্ব —বিলাতে অবস্থানকালে, ভ}:% রমেশচন্দ্ৰ ইণ্ডিয়াল দ্যাশনাল কংগ্রেস বা ১৫শ বার্ষিক অধিবেশনে নেতৃত্ব করিবার জন্ত আই । সমুচিত হইয়াছিল । 'ইণ্ডিয়ান নেশন লেখেন :-- A better selection could not be made. By his learning, experience, position, sobriety and soundness of judgment, he seems to be specially marked out for the honour which it has been decided to confer on him. (2 Oct, 1899)