পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/১৩৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ufइतॆोषदॆशः ॥ १९é মন্থর কহিভেছে । কল্যাণকটক নামে গ্রামে ভৈরব নামে ব্যাধ থাকে সে এক দিবস যুগ অনৃেষণ করত বিস্ক্যাটৰী গেল । অনন্তর এক মৃগকে নষ্ট করিয়া লইয়া যাইতেছিল ইতোমধ্যে এক ভয়ানকশরীর বরাহকে দেখিল পরে সেই বাধ হরিণকে ভূমিতে রাবিয়া শরেতে ঐশূকরকে মাৰিল । Another: If we are rich with the riches, of which we neither give nor enjoy; we are rich with the riches, which are buried in the caverns of the earth. Without enjoyment, the wealth of the miser is the same to him, as if it were another's. But when it is said of a man, he hath so much, it is with difficulty he can be induced to part with it, 将》 Giving with kind words, knowledge without pride, heroism accompained by clemency, and, wealth with liberality, are four excellencies hard to be found. It is said, A hoard should always be made ; but not too great a: hard. A jackal, through the fault of hoarding too much, was killed by a Bow. How was this; demanded Hiranyaka; and Manthara related the following story. FABLE VII. A certain huntsman, by name Bhairava, an inhabitant of Kalyana-kataka being fond of flesh, once upon a time went to hunt in the forests of the Vindhya mountains, and having killed a deer, as he was carrying him away, he chanced to see a wild boar of a formidable appearance So laying the deer upon the grossad, ke wouaded the boar with an arrow ;