পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/৩৯০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

] च्हृितेषिदॆशः ॥ ই৩ই বর নানে কোন দেশহইতে আসিয়া রাজদ্বারে গিয়া দ্বারিকে - حيمي اسلامي حمل" বলিল আমি বেতনাথ রাজপএ রাজ দশন করাও । তার ヘ / "حي পর তাহাক ত্বক ও রাজদশন কারিত হইয়া বলিভেছে হে মহারাজ যদ্যপি অন্মভুত্যেতে মহারাজের প্রয়োজন থ:কে তবে অামার বেতন কর । Nevertheless, answered the uinister, it is proper to siis pect one who came to us as he did. True. replied the king, provided he be guilty of any improper action; but, A stranger, it well disposed, ts a friend; but a friend, it ill-disposed towards une, is a stt anger. A distemper altheugh generated in the body, is malignant; whilst a drug produced in the woods proveth saiutary. Kiwg Sitdraka had a se, wałıt, ö, y mume Věra - vara teho in a tery short time offered up / is dat ti son. How was that " said the minister ; and the king related the foilowing tale: F \pi, E i Y. IN for ther days l used to amuse myself with a certain {*male of my own species, whose name was Karpura. thanjali, and who was the daughter of the royal gander IS a pura keli, iai a pleasure iake belonging to king * u iraka. One day a young mats, whose name was Vira. vara. and w sto to be a Raja pa tra e o me from seme distant country, presented himself before the porter who stood at the king's gate, and addressed him in the following words: ... I am a soldier in search of employ. ment; pray procure me a sight of the king. The porter conducted the stranger in to the presence of his master; to whom, he addressed himself as follows:–Sir, if thou hast any ocrasion for uy service, iet uny pay be fixed.