পাতা:হিন্দুধর্ম্মের শ্রেষ্ঠতা.pdf/৯০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 19 ) sacrificing spirit of Brahmins. What hardship and personal dis-, comfort do they not undergo for the sake of feeding, clothing and educating their students without taking any fees from them or any other return for their labors' Under the furning rays of s tropical sun or through pitiless rain, on they go with a bundle on the back and a humble talipot in hand to the distant parts of the country to collect contributions for the support of the Tol. It is a misfortune to this country that such spirit of self-sacrifice is disappearing in contact with ideas which lay much stress upon the acquisition of money and individual comfort and ease as the principal end of life. The Friend of India has evidently misunderstood Baboo Rajmarain Bose in thinking that the latter meant to say that Hindooism is not derived from any man but directly from God. What he meant to say was that Hindooism has not been mamed after any Prophet or Avatar. The founders of the Hindoo Religion were of opinion that Religion is eternal. Hence the other hame of Hindooism is Sanatana Dharma or eternal religion. The Friend of India says that Ram we cannot approach, but Paul we can. Does not Ram's exemplary character exercise a grand salutary influence upon the moral character of Hindpost His filial obedience, his patience under suffering, his conjugal and fraternal love, his spirit of self-sacrifice and forgiveness, his magnanimity towards his inveterate enemies, his paternal treatment of his subjects and his extreme purity of character are looked up to by every Hindoo as model for imitation. The villager, hearing the affecting recital by our popular Kathacks of his magnanimous deeds, takes home the impression left upon his mind and is guided in his dealings with his fellow men by that impression. Hence it is that the lower orders of India are more sober, more temperate, more gentle, and more generous-hearted than those of Europe. Our wome; orn lessons of sublime chastity and pious regard for