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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২২

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গোঠ csstoffo F., a. eating beef: s. a beef-eater. (FTTHTಣ, 8. ೩ variety of the Cobra de costs;1, a dumb, speechless. [capello. গোধূহ, s. cow-house. csfitsitzi, s. a hemorrhoidal tumour. costs fri, s. the taking up of a mouthful. গোৰ্বত, s. clarified butter (of cow's milk). গোঙ্গর, গোঙ্গর1, p. %. to make a noise like a person oppressed by the nightmare. cosforgio, Cossoff, s, the effort to speak while having the nightmare. Csffsrl, a.dumb, speechless: 8. a large caucoisota, Cossoff, s, the nightmare. [ri. costs, s. a bunch, a wisp, a sheaf, a tuft, a nosegay, a custom, a habit; the instep. costs:s, a. perceptible: s. in presence, cognizance: ad. before, in the presence of. csstögstol, s, the grazing or feeding of catcosts.gifo, s. a cow pasture. [tle. cssibl, v. a. to collect into bundles: s. a handful, atuft,a bunch, a wisp, a sheaf. Coffsscoissl, ad. by handfuls, by tufts. cssista, s. collecting of things into sheafs or bundles: a, collected into bundles. csitsif, s. collection into bunches or buncssTöfgrzg, s. a cowkeeper, cowherd. [dles. cassissol, s. the pasturing of cattle. coffsfäs Hz, s. a quack doctor, a cowc5ftfsfès*it, s. quackery. [doctor. cosicstas, s. a cow-stealer. cost#., costol, the same as Coffs, &c. cisigo, coststā, a tied in bunches, bundles, or sheafs; neat and clever, tidy. coffo, s. a silver chain for the waist. coffèl, a. whole, entire, unbroken, uncut, undivided: s. goldor silver lace; a thing that is whole, an integer; betel-nut. Coffyfo, s. a number, a quantity, a few. costulato, s. a foaming at the mouth from the bite of a serpent; slaver, saliva. conföfði, a. whole, entire, unbroken, uncut. costgöTCHIC51, a. rolled up, gathered. Cosso, s. a herd, a flock, a drove, a company; a cow-pen, station for cowherds. CŞssosol, a straggled from the herd. cssTYăț¢szt, s. the assembling or collecting into a herd, a gathering in company. I 110 | Cotto; coffyfafft,s, the name of an annual fair. Coffy, s. the foot; sore of small-pox; the base, bottom, a foundation, a pedestal. গোড়-গাইঠ, -গাঠি, 33.85, s. the ankle. গোড়মুড়া, গুল্ল, এ Št, s. the heel. [foot. Cossos, s. a corn or callosity under the Coisol, v. n. to overtake, approach, to draw near: s. the base of a pillar, etc., the foundation of a building, origin, source. coisotosisfy, ad, wholly, from the foundation, origin, or source. [a thing. coisoscáal, a. in contact with the base of CoITFIR, s. overtaking, approaching, drawing near: a. approached, come to pass. costgfaff, ad. from the origin or source. cityTiffa, s. the earthing up of plants, etc.; the confirming of a proposition. গোড়ারি, গুড়মুড়া, গুল্প, এড়ি, s, the heel. c5fffE SI, Csiffērā, a. unfledged, callow. costol, s, the water-melon. cstéit, s. a sack, a bag, sackcloth, gunny. *Cossol, S. immersion, a diving, a dipping. Costě, s. a race, lineage, pedigree, family extraction, an ancestor, a patriarch. c3rf3, si, a. lineal, lineally descended. Cossos, s. cowship. Cosfoif, s. a bull. costa o a, curled, curly, knotty, snarly. Cosso, s, the elephantiasis, or swelled leg. Cosio, s. a cow's tooth; the sulphate of arsenic; -offstä, yellow-orpiment. c5ffWgsTf, s. a chrysoprasus. Cossal, a. afflicted with the elephantiasis. csstoffså, s, the common Indian kite. Costă15, s. a gift of cows. [ing. citatist, s. a tattooing of the body, brandcostasztoft, s, the name of a river. Cosfoss, s. a fence of leather worn on the left arm by archers; an alligator. caffol, s. the guana, an alligator. cision, s, wheat;-53s, wheatenmeal, flour. corrosso, cofigãoff, s, evening twilight. Ciscosis, s. a cow, a mileh-cow. csstafssstät, s. a family or lineage reckon ed to the original progenitor. cotto, s. acow-keeper, a milk-man, a butterman, a dairyman. [keepers. citiziříč, s. a body or fraternity of cow