দিগগ oforo, s. a poison, quicksilver, vermillion. WI3 (5, 8 poisonous wood. [cerated. Wifors, a rent, torn, divided, cracked, laদারিদ্র্য, 8, poverty, indigence. [terer, Trst, a. having many wives: s. an adulWiż, s. wood, timber, spirituous liquors, wine, gunpowder, medicine. Ipuppet. Wiżo, s. Krishna's charioteer; a doll, a Wigssoit, or WTAfsät, s. cinnamon. WT:FS, WI: NY, a wooden, made of wood. WIoa, a. awful, cruel, unfeeling, difficult, frightful, horrible, terrific, intolerable. WTC#1511, s. a peace-officer, a police-officer. &Tči, s. force, firmness, stability, validity. WI*§f§, s. the thing elucidated by simile or metaphor, an archetype, prototype. wfoi, Wifi, WTāt, s. split peas, split pulse. WTaifa, s. a hall, a hall of audience. Wiąti,s, a broker. WI51#st, s. brokerage. Wifox, Wifys, s, pomegranate. [sudra. WTW, s. a servant, a slave, a serf, a fisher, a WTWRA, s, servitude, slavery, bondage. WI5% of, a like a servantor slave. [maid. WTāt, s. afemale sudra,or servant,a bondWIFI, a. servile: s. slavery, servitude. WTE, s. a burning, conflagration, combustion,burning of the dead,inflammation, fever-heat, acautery; -531,incendiary. Wszo, a burning, causing to burn, cauteWİER, s. the burning of a thing. [rizing. Witosi, s. a place to burn the corpse. Wifosofo, s. a power of burning. WTEJ, a. proper to be burnt, combustible. WTEJol, -o, s. combustibility. fa, a contraction offsig, another. fo, foss, s. a point of the compass, a quarter of the world; a side, a part. *stag, s. fretfulness, vexation,trouble,perplexity; -o, to give trouble, to teaze. stors, a troublesome, vexatious. sows:st, s. troublesomeness, vexation. forf, or foots, s. a god who super intends the quarters of the universe. footsor, s.another quarter of the universe. sofaz, a naked: s. a name of Shiva. fossa, s. other, another. [the universe. fssis,st4=TĚt,s.theguardian-elephantof [ 180 1 দিবা দিগদর্শন, s. look on all sides, a generalsurvey, a general view. [general survey. foot, a. looking on all sides, taking a fsffs, s. universal conflagration. [ed. so, poisoned arrow: a smeared, anointfootfoto, s. a name of Kālī, and of Shiva. soft gig, s. universal conquest. ff5f5#st, a. conquering the universe. fosofot, s. every part of the atmosphere, every direction. [crimination. ff5fststāta, s. a general knowledge, disf3, fos, s. a being bewildered, mistaking the way to a place. [rection. fossa, s. a wandering about in every difossit, a wandering in every direction. দিৎসা, s. generosity, a desire to give. foss, a generous, liberal, munificent. stät, s. an elder sister, a grandmother. ffs, 8, the second husband of a woman married, a twice-married woman. soa, s. a day; -oss, -ão, to spend time. soil, s, the spending of time. fossil, a unable to see in the daytime. so-czool, -Coosa, s. thespending of time. দিনচতুষ্টয়, or দিবসচতুষ্টয়, s. four days. fairgil, s. support, a spending of time. fRRGH, or sta HGH, s. three days. soason, ad. daily. stašt, a. daily. fR-THH, or sta Hāzī, s. two days. [day. fFzzTIM, szT*ifT, s. the sun, the lord of foots, s. support, occupation, spending fossia, s. day, daytime. [of time. fosso, ad, day and night, incessantly. statē, or starz HIR, s. the evening. ffol, s. wages for a day, and day's hire. sta, or stfā, s. the sky, the atmosphere. fFzzI, s. a day. fTZC#, ad. in the day. stafio, a, proper to the day, diurnal, sozitz, a belonged to the day. [daily. foal, s. a day,daytime: ad. in the daytime. দিবাকর, or দিনমণি, s, the sun. *fast, s. a steward, a bannian, [night. so affnfor, s. a day and night: ad. day and sozität, s. the office of a steward: a civil statistowsFis, s. a civil court. [(lawsuit). দিৰানখ 1-1, s. a tribunal, hall of audience. staff, s, an owl: a, the same as solosol.