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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০৮

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নও [ coz, a. washed, clean; o, to wash. czňsztzizzi, czìzzFIzi, a. washed, bathed. cozzi, s. washed or clean clothes. *JT523, a fit or properto be meditated on. *Jt &1, a. eontemplative: s. vide ধ্যানকর্ত্তা. off, s. meditation, thought, contemplation, cogitation, reflection. Uplates. ধ্যানকর্ত্তা, s. one who meditates or contem*JToofsj, a. accessible to meditation. *Joseo, s. an interruption of meditation. {José, a contemplative, sedate, reflectotnotos, s.religious abstraction. [ing. &Jrist, a contemplative, thoughtful. c*J*I, 8. the object of meditation. ”17, 8. ಡಿ particular tune in music. ধ্ৰুব,৫d. permanently, certainly: a. permament, eternal, continual, fixed, stable, firm, certain, ascertained: s. the polar star, the north pole; logic, reasoning. ধ্ৰুবক, s. the longitude of a star; a chorus. ধ্ৰুব-লোক, s. heaven;-of:[1, the polar star. *a*H, s. destruction, ruin, loss, detriment. Axx-5, or Foot, a. destructive, ruinous: s, a person who ruins, a destroyer. g^ Hz, s. destruction, ruin. [ruined. go, a. destructible, capable of being

  • FE, s. aflagstaff, an ensign, a monument,

sign, symbol, the penis;-ato, a flagman. of, s, a disease which consists in an inability to erect the penis. *ggi, gāt, s. a banner, a standard, an en sign, flag, a monument, a sign, symbol. assist, s. an army; a high landmark. aso, s. a noise, sound. Koso, a. sounded. gossoso, a. sounding, expressing sound. *gg, fallen, ruined, degraded, destroyed. BATR, s. inarticulate sound. #TE, s. darkness, gloom. F, the twentieth consonant; a negative particle, no, not: a nine: 8, the fourth son or daughter in a large family. Rio, a, no, not; new; ninety. [tube. ziề51, a. young (appliedtofish): s. a huka sofog a, the ninth. [bagpipe, etc. *zi gzs, s. a music consisting of drum, =\84**Ital, s. amusic-room, an orchestra. 196 || F(s

  • Roi, s. a copy, a transcript, imitation;

a show, mimickry; -nātā, a copyist. Footát, s. the profession of a copyist. azozogio, s. the reading of a copy. Rofiosi,a.mimicking, imitating, copying. *R**{{W, s. a class of Moslem beggars. Ross, 8. the letter R; a denial, refusal, nzăt, s. a brass vessel. [negation. *azotz, s. a forerunner whose office is to proclaim his master's approach. Idavas. R#ā, s. ichneumon; one of the five Pán*Rząsos,8. a map-maker, a painter, a limsto, s. the night: ad. by night. [ner. Roo, s, a vow to eat only in the night. Fofo, a unable to see by night. [shark. RTF, s. a crocodile, an alligator; -5TiSi, a *RÆ-il, s. a feature, countenance, visage; a map, a chart, a picture, a plan. Roi, s, lunar mansion, a star, constella tion; -wife, or -osts, the moon. *T*EGSTsoil, s. arow of stars; a kind of neckRođCăso, the starry region, sky. [lace. Foot, s. a row of stars. Fossa, S. injury, loss, detriment. [talon. Ros, Fotos, s. finger or toe nail, a claw, a Forsso, s. a scratch, a mark of the nails. Fotol, s, the spur of a cock, a point. **{{*-ū, s, the same as ago, which see. ***Iol, s, a trick, an artifice, a joke, waggery, coquetry, a sham, a pretence. ****, a whitlow. Rosso, theos unguis. **IIšf, s, the point of a nail or talon. **If TRE, s, a stroke with the nails or taR*T#*f, a. having nails or talons. [lons. a<ft, a. idem: s. abivalve shell; a kind of R5s,8. amountain, rock, a tree. [perfume. **sū, s. an elephant; a mountaineer. Roso), a.of no estimation, mean, worthless. Assis, a. prompt, ready, in hand (applied to money); -ital, cash, ready money. Rsssf.gift“, s. articles produced. Rosafot, s. a sale for ready money. assassistfit, or Root, 8. ready money. Rsf F, R5fst, s. a city, a town. La city. assassissioi, s.the vicinity of a city: a, near Ross of 5, s. the outskirts of a city. of{41zil, or R16s:s, s, a citizen.