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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২১৮

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নিব৷ soft stors, footá, a. worthy of censure. ffairs, a reproached, reviled. [able. fifiawzT,a. reproachful,blamable, censurনিন্দুক, a reproaching, reviling, censuring: s. one who reviles or censures. fooj, a.deserving reproach, contemptible. footb, a. indeed, truly, really, completely. foss, a. death, destruction, ruin, an overfN-ISTI, s. a falling, going toruin. [throw. foots, a liable to falling, fallible. fosfo, a fallen, gone to ruin. fossy, s. death, destruction, anoverthrow, ruin; ingram, an anomaly, irregularity. fosso, a mortal, deadly, murderous. fovisor, s. a causing to fall, a destroying, ruining, causing death or destruction; in gram. an irregularity or anomaly. footfoto, or frostěj, a capable of being cast down, killed, or destroyed. fossfo, a, cast down, killed, destroyed. fossa, s. a watering-trough, a milk-pail. folo, a, eminent, able, expert, clever, skilনিপুণতা, -č, s. the same as নৈপুণ্য, [ful. fox, v. n. to be extinguished, to expire. fo, v. n. to be finished, to come to a sizVR, a being empty or finished. [close. fool, v.a. to accomplish or finish a work. foot-, s. a completing: a completed. fo, a, composed, treated of, discussed. so, s. an obligation, a voluntaryobligation or vow, a subject, topic, treatise. fo, s. a cause, motive, origin; a binding, a confining; compiling of a work. fool, s. an author, a compiler, a lexicof(zzi, s. cessation, restraint. [grapher. নিবর্ত্তক, causing to cease, putting astop to. নিবর্ত্তন, s. the putting a stop to, a making to cease, the rescinding of a law. নিবর্ত্তনীয়,নিবন্ধয়িতব্য, নিবন্ত্য, a. proper, or requiring to be stopped. [fied. fiafés, a. made to cease, stopped, pacifaifo, s. a dwelling, a residence, abode. făză, fażāt, a. unclothed, naked, unclad. flag, s. a multitude, a quantity; all. fitzil, v. a. to extinguish, to put out. forty, s. completion, a finish, conclusion. foztyn, s. the completing of a thing. [ 206 | নিম

foats, or foratofri, a. sheltered, calm: s. a fata, s. extinguishing of fire. [calm. foratoi,a fatherless: s. funeral cake. [ing. foatsá,a preventing, prohibiting,hinderfossa,s. resisting, stopping, preventing, prevention, restraint. [preventible. flatgātāsāāIsfj,a resistible, restrainable, fatal, fats, ol, s, prevention, restraint. foatsás, a resisted, prevented, hindered. făzTijssia, a suffering resistance. fash, s. a place of residence, a dwelling, a habitation, a house, a residence. faz fit, a residing, dwelling: 8, a dweller. a resident, an inhabitant. fùfàvg,a.thick, cloge (as trees,ete.,)umbrageous, dense, impenetrable, impervious. fafo, a, engaged in, devoted to. ffÐ EI, s. engagedness, devotedness. fRátS, s. the Bráhmanical thread. fogg, a.made to cease, stopped, hindered. নিবৃত্তি, 8, cessation, stoppage, appeased. foczowa, s. information, a representation, a request, an offering, a present. foczw-vso, s. a written request, petition. foLaffy, a. offered, mentioned, communi cated, made known, represented. fitzWJ, foczwätz, a fit to be represented or mentioned, fit to be presented. foLaWJRT-1, a. in the act of being offered. focoioi, s. engagedness, devotedness, ear nestness, a being interested in. focoso, a, engaging with the mind, en tering things into a writing. foLaosz, s. a house, an entrance, an entry. foLaos;sts, foca"), a fit to be engaged in. foLafore a. engaged in with the heart, devoted to, entered in a writing. fšsē, a. unadulterated, pure, genuine, real, unalloyed, smooth, freefrom folds. নিভৃত, secret, private, concealed, secludfox, or fo, s, the name of a tree." [ed. fosso, s. salt; -oto, -ofit, a salt-cellar; -*Isis, unfaithful, ungrateful;-startist, ingratitude;-oscissi, faithful, grateful, loyal;-ofälät, faithfulness, gratitude. foLoafāt, a young, half fit for roast. f(fEft, s. a Moslem petty judge.