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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৭

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ーエ sfassí, sfasart, a. uninvestigable. suffsgätz, offso), a. inscrutable, in comprehensible, inconceivable. sfatozoar, a indivisible, inseparable. sfow, s. not division, union. srst RJ, a. unlearned, uninstructed, ignorant, unsearchable, beyond knowledge. &fnista,a, unperceived, absent. [laws. oforo, e. the want of laws: a, without suffs, of grist, a lawless, illegal, illicit. of axis,a, imperishable, indestructible. sistöain, s. sadness, cheerlessness. ofoto, s. celibacy: a, unmarried. sifazif z, a.unmarried: fem.srst zifềEl. soforso, a, injudicious, inconsiderate: 8. one who does not discriminate. of Casal,8. a want of consideration, dis crimination, or investigation. sfară, a. not averse to, not disinclined. Şîfîý æ„›ïżToT, a. undesisted,iucessant. of go, a, not opposed to a thing. Rofocosta, s. peace, concord, harmony. ofortot, a, not contentious, peaceable. *Iftaa, a. prompt, without delay. ofasas, a not delayed, not postponed. sastāvā, ad. immediately, withoutdelay. of cots, s. a want of distinction. sisttorSJ, a. undistinguishable. stfosfoss, a not trusted, not confided in. ofo, a. perfidious, treacherous, dishosist*TH, s. incredulity, distrust. [nest. sistenzīt, a. mistrustful, unbelieving. sist*THI,a.unworthy of trust, unfaithful. &#t31, 8, one who has neither husband sista, a. stupid, senseless. [nor son. ofo, a. senseless, idiot, simple, foolish. অবুদ্ধিমনি,৫ unwise, not of clearintellect. *NXS, a. sessile, void of a peduncle or peঅবৃটি, s. want of rain, drought. [dicle. & Co., a viewing, examining: s, one who views or examines. stoos, s. a survey, an inspection. sootz, a. capable of being closely in. ozol, s. attention, inspection. [spected. Rogofo, a. inspected, surveyed. Stasi1, s. the want of time, the conclusion of the day, a deficiency in the tides. [ 15 J | sivtfiat, a. fem. idem. তা ভ1 atows, a not a doctor: e. a quack doctor. srčanjas, a. heterodox, not in the veda. stoo, a, unwarranted, irregular. stoo, s. superstition. sửzzzzág, atz«først, a. superstitious. sitor, a free from enmity. soft, a not hostile, not in enmity. SICHTHAI, a. incomprehensible. *Coto, a. senseless, dull, stupid, igno rant: 8, want of understanding. SIG, s. the moon, a conch: Dhanwantari, a lotus, a thousand millions. STF, s. a year, an æra; a cloud. SIG, s. a cloud. অব্যক্ত,a. unperceived, imperceptible, indistinct, latent, vague, unintelligible. অব্যক্তগণিত, or বীজগণিত, s. algebra. ol, s, want of laws or regulations. ofo, a. irregular, undisciplined. SZZ Tos, 3. not a custom, an improper custom; a. obsolete, uncommon. [use. sojosifo, a not brought into common Rajastoff, a. impracticable, unfit to be brought into common use. [elinable. SzIJEI, a. undiminishable: ingram. indeozsät, a not expending, wasting or decaying: in gram. indeclinable. [word. $zjjτετz, 8. an indeclinable compound Razoof, a. infallible, efficacious. ozssisi, a not delaying, summary. sizītūs, ad immediately, without delay. Woo, soft, s. an infant, a babe. SIEŤ, a. not good, evil, bad, unfavorable. Rosol, s. not goodness, badness. [exist. Ross, a unseemly, uncomely, unfit to si Ezsjgfs, a. highly clownish: s. a stuRog, s. security, safety. [pid clown. oil, s. a tree (Terminalia citrina). o, s. an ornament, a jewel. [less. soil, oitso, a.desponding, hopeossil, a. destitute, wretched, forlorn. [unfortunate. otos), a.. unfortunate: s. misfortune. SIETSso, a, unfit, not trust-worthy. Wwsfa,8. non-existence, non-entity,a doficiency, a failure, disagreemant [athing. setz ez,ad. through the non-existence of