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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৮

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অভি SIEf(a, ad, without, except. *Ife, prep. it usually indicates that the action expressed by the word to which it is prefixed has a direction towards the object, or in front thereof. Sofession, 8. the going towards an object. ofessfist, a, going towards an object. ofesso, a born of a noble race, learned. Sofo, a wise, learned, skilful. *Ifo Ross, s, a certificate. ofoto, s. a dictionary, a vocabulary. ofena, a recent, new, modern. ofo, s. a representation, a theatrical entertainment, a comedy, a play. wifeffo, a, engaged in, devoted to. of efficzot, s. the devoting of one’s self to a pursuit, intentness, application. &focol, s. an actor, a comedian. sofeh, a unseparated, unbroken, whole, entire: S. an integer or whole number. safezisz, s. a design, aim, an object, a scope, intention, the moral of a fable. Sofoco, a. intended, aimed at, designed. ofecessfo, a. successful. ofstoßffo, s. success: a, successful. <5IfëzTw, s. a salutation by prostration at the feet of a superior. [ence. <IfëzTw*, a. salutation, obeisamce, reversfez swälä, a respectable, venerable. ofesz,8.humbling, defeat, humiliation. ofeo, a. subdued, defeated, humbled. sferase, s. a defeat, a conquest. Sofesso, a. approved, wished, chosen. *Ife-Itz, S. pride, self-esteem, feeling an affront so keenly as to disregard life. &fext=st, a.selfish, appropriating, proud, unable to bear an affront, sullen. sfoor, a facing: ad towards. wfwg*, a. applied, to, grafted in, aecused in a court of law. [aggressor. &f=costs;1, s. a plaintiff, an assailant, an sfecstas, s. application of one thing to another, the commencement of a lawsuit, a military attack, perseverance. ofetztoft,a, accusing, leading an attack. sofors, a. delighted with, devoted to. &foots,a, beautiful, agreeable, pleasing [ 16 | অম stfegf3, 8, a taste or relish for a thing, an inclination, an attachment. stfääsätz, a. desirable, delectable. ofosfo, a, desired, wished for, coveted. ofoita, s. a wish, a desire, lust. sfēzīt šīt,a. desirous, covetous, sensual. ofessifors, a. inserted, written. soforos, a cursed, imprecated. [accused. oforo,a.censured, blamed, reproached, sfērif g, s. censure, blame, calumny. ofewitzi, s. an imprecation, a curse. of of so, a. anointed, installed to office. of ecozo, s. installation to office. ofoss, a. wished for, desired, loved. súú5, a. idem; -εττε, success. [nate. Roscow, s. similarity: a. alike, indiscrimiSTEJEZT, a. internal, inward, interior. R EJECZT, ad. internally, inwardly. Rojá, a near, proximate, approached. | sejmātā, onejaj, a capable of being studied, requiring study. §§Jū, a. studied, learnt by heart. of WJ, a. acquired science by study. Wojsy, s. study, practice, a habit. Westät, a. studious; so, studied. Şūjors, s. a rising to welcome. SI EITH, s. welfare, prosperity; হউক, Good morning to you, Good be to you. SIS, s. cloud; the sky; tale mineral. So, s an affront, disgrace, indignity, not an error: a. affronted, dishonored. sIg#B, a. not fallen from virtue. আ ੋ,6. a disaster, calamity, evil omen. অমঙ্গলকর, অমঙ্গলকারী, a. inauspicious. o, a. indicating evil, ominous. *Issois, a calamitous, disastrous, omin*INR, ad. thus, so. [ous. s(TfR, ad, thus, so, as; the same; gratis. Rossofits, a, not chosen, not approved. SNNCRICSTIss, s. in attention. [less. sistRitzitsft,a. inattentive, remiss, careRossos,a. immortal: s. an immortal, a god. SINoroi, 8, the race of immortals. Rosso, s. a not dying. [immortal. sIsroots, organ, a not liable to death, ofor, s, the residence of Indra. to No.5, a. airless, calm: 8, a guava.