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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩২৬

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  • Usout;, s disgust, viscidity, dirtiness. క్రా, లి. 4. to smear, to anoint. [ing. ಸ್, 8. ೩ sprinkling, smearing, anointfTFTs, a. dying, expiring, about to die a faded, pale, grieved, dejected, sad. afz(zwa, a. downcast, dejected, sad.

gifo, s. sadness, languor, dejection, a fadম্লেচ্ছ, d, barbarian: s. a barbarian. [ing. o, the twenty-sixth consonant; when it has a dot thus (x,) it is pronounced ya. so, s. Kuvera's treasurer, a fairy, a de mon who superintends wealth. যকৃৎ, s. the liver; the liver-complaint; -Goss, the hepatic cyst. [same as Io. **F, s. a kind of fabled beings; also, the *T*Eger, s. incense, turpentine. যক্ষমা, s. pulmonary consumption. szi, a consumptive, aflicted with consofa, ad, when, whenever. [sumption, *Toroso, ad, now and then, occasionally. storator, s. a particular sort of music. *T*ff fäg, s. a custom-house; vide §5ff«. *THz, s. act of sacrificing or worshipping. *Toofa, a sacrificing: s. the person for whom the sacrifice is made. [vedas. so, To, Too, s, one of the four *Togoït a. pertaining to the Yajur-veda. *sū, s, a sacrifice, a religious worship. *Toots, s. an altar, a sacrificial pit. #5, #43, s. a species of fig-tree." *Rocafo, Totzút, s. an altar for sacrifice. *sūfo, s. an essential part of a sacrifice. *Totos, a. having sacrifice for its object. *Ratoff, a. desirous of worship or sacrifice. *sūtz, a. sacrificial, fit for sacrifice. [up. *Ty, a collected, amassed, united, closed *Toof, a. in gross, in a lump, heaped. *INg1, v. a. to collect, bind, hoard, amass, to fold, wrap, to roll up, to furl a sail. of 8, a. enamelled: s. an enamelling. *Toto, s. a collecting, amassing, a folding, wrapping, rolling, the furling of a sail: a. folded, wrapped, rolled, furled. Hosofo, a folded and wrapped. sfo, a collected, folded, squeezed to gether, rolled, furled, amassed. [ 314 J যথা

  • Țs, pron. which, what. *TS, pron. as many as, as much as. TIEz, ad. wherefore, hence, because. যতকাল, যতক্ষণ, যতদিন, ad. as long as. sRon, s. the same with Tõn. *Isātā, a. proper to be taken care of. *T5ZTA, ad how often, as often. *Isè, s. cessation, rest, restraint, a check, pause, stop or rest, space in writing, a syllable;-oto, to observe the pauses. *Tot, a temperate: s. an ascetic, a sage. *Too, s. a portion, a marriage portion; a *Ico, ad. so many, as many as. [freckle. *Toofas, s. which time, the time which. sisastätz, a belonging to which time. *Isfäfogs, ad. a little, a few, ever solittle. *Ron, s. active endeavour, effort, exertion, zeal, care, labour, application, toil, energy, perseverance; -o, to apply closely, to exert, to toil, to endeavour; —jostas, with care or endeavour. [active. *Toast, a strenuous, laborious, zealous, *Isoitzstaff g, ph. ne plus ultra, utmost. *T*)T51s, s. act of an ascetic, abstemious MojtStzst, a. acting as an ascetic. [habit. *I*, where, in which;-off’s, anywhere. *sūl, ad, wherever, in whatever place. *Is H^*(Jo, a. of which number. [mean. ors of;(IAJ, a vulgar, common, inferior, **Rojo, ad, as, like as, for instance; where. siastofo, ad. as you please, at will. *IQsfossos, according to the time. [ledge. যথ1-জ্ঞান, -বুদ্ধি, ad, to the extent of know*[q]fool, ad, the same, so as, as much of;

any how, as you like. soft-sty, ad according to right or justice. softgs, ad, where, in which place. [ties. *Totterati, ad, as much as, of equal quanti*Tofforts], ad. as deserved, as is suitable. *Totofs, ad, as you like, as you please. softof, a real, genuine, correct, just, right, sT«ff«f&i, s. vide vifaIfzfj. [proper, true. softofol, s. one who speaks the truth. *IQstosz73, s. frugality, economy. softofost, a frugal, economical. siasso, a. as is fit or proper, as is right. staff off, ad, to the utmost of one's power.