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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৩০

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ষোট যোগপাদুকা, ও magical shoes having the property of conveying one anywhere. যোগপাদুকারোহণ, s. the putting on 9f the shoes having the aforesaid property. যোগপূর্ব্বক, ad by or through junction or union, or fixed contemplation on God. cottssaai, s. virtue of meditation, the power arising from contemplation on God. Cossroof, s, a breaking off the mind from contemplation on God. costssoff, a used only in a particular sense, having a particular meaning. cosissi, v. a. to supply, furnish, provide. Cosfossy, s. assistance, a supply, assisting of a workman, a workman's assistant. Cossottfogi, s. an assistant, an auxiliary, a bricklayer's assistant or labourer. Cosfosta, s. supplying of necessaries for an occasion, or of materials for a work. Cat5tifazil, cottsfizul, a. supplying neces saries, providing: s. one who supplies. CxIfsiI£5, a. continuing in a state of abstraction, or contemplation upon God. Cosfosso, s. a posture assisting the mind in close contemplation upon God. cxiff*if q, s. light slumber, a doze: vide Cosform, s. a female devotee. [cofosfasi, cost oft, s. an ascetic, a devotee; a weaver. caféstors, s. Shiva, a name of Yájnávalká. celfts, ad. conjointly, through, by means CIICŞfossCof, ad. somehow or other. [of Cosfoss, a. worthy, capable, suitable, fit, adequate, proper, liable to, able. CITİşIJEl, s. worthiness, fitness, a capacity, ability, a qualification. [thiness. CRTİSİJEfois, a. possessed of fitness or worcost of $1, s. a bivalve shell, cockle-shell. cqīāo, a uniting, joining, causing union: s. a negotiator, marriage, matchmaker. CŞısön, s. a uniting; a measure of distance containing 4 krosha or about 8 miles. CSITE-1, s. the supplying of materials or necessaries; union, conjuncture. costgātā, or Cossés, a capable of being brought into union or contact. così, v. a. to connect, to pair, to yoke animals, to mix, to incorporate. I 318 . যোষি cosfü, s. one of a pair, a match. costězo, s. a broker, factor, an agent, man ager, a matchmaker, a negotiator. casia, cafèzú, s, the yoking of animals to a carriage or plough, a cementing. cost offs, s, the supplying of any thing. cssfü1, v. n. to match, to pair, to yoke animals, to incorporate: a. matched, paired, yoked: s. the same as costütz. csstäfa, s. a joining, matching, pairing, yoking, negotiating: a yoked, paired. casărcăiff, s, a reciprocal matching or | cafè s. one of a pair, a match. [pairing. costly, a joined: s. a pair, couple, junction, union, one of a pair, a match: a patch, seam, joining, suture; -ăţii, to match, pair, unite, cohabit;-Wł, to patch, join. Gosso, s. a joining, cementing, uniting, a commencing; rennet to curdle milk. CŞişl, a joined: s. a couple, pair, suit (of clothes) union, connection: v.a.to connect, unite, affix, add, cement together. Cossota, s. a connecting or uniting, a joining or adding, the grafting of a tree: a. united, joined, added, affixed, grafted. cottfgo, a. embroidered, united, connected, cemented, grafted. [rhyme. CIICVoICW, ad. in a rhyming manner, in CoITS, s. a farm; the string which fastens the plough to the yoke of the cattle. CSIREWIos, a holding a farm: s. a farmer. CETTE1, s. a farm, ploughed land. CRITā, s. a capital, a stock, wealth, a per son's capital or ability to expend. Cossatosis, a. possessed of stock or capital, rich, wealthy, opulent. [combatant. colol, s. a warrior, a soldier, a wrestler, a cosis, s. a cause, origin, the original of things, the vulva, womb, site of birth. caffitzsti;, s. a lecher, a lascivious person. Gottfö, a. viviparous, producing young. cxTffû*if*f, s. in ama. labiæ pudendæ. costfossi, s. the nymphae. catfisää, s, the clitoris. [youthfulness. costaso, a young, youthful. Cassif, s. catfits, s. a woman, a female. coffs of, s, womankind, class of females.