রক্ত co, s, lac, gum lac, wax;-ator stick-lac. comfo, a, founded on reasoning, logical, inferrible, proper. [from the root. comforts, a derivative, formed regularly confstoß, s. a word formed from the root, a derivative word. যৌ o, s, a dower, a marriage portion. corn, s, the age of puberty, youth, youth fulness; -fafosis, young, youthful. cozaszą1, s. state of youth, youthfulness. coma gigs, s office of a prince associated with his father in the government. £, the twenty-seventh consonant in the Bengāli alphabet: v. n. to stay, to stop. ozsso, s. a post placed erect in a pond to measure its depth.: 51:1, s.a pass for goods; a going. gross, s. a sort, kind, species, a manner. gro, a red, blood-red: s. blood; -os, -oso, to bleed; -oo-oto, to discharge blood, to have the lochia or issue of blood. রক্তক, gozos, e. a species of waterlily.” grooga, s. the oozing of blood, bleeding. Tortogol, a sanguinary; drinking the blood of the menses (a term of abuse). g#sfel, s, a Ganges of blood; (met.) co pious streams of blood. gosswa, s.red sanders,” red sandalwood. TFSzzs, hæmapoietic, blood-producing. zzFor, s. slight fever attending a convalescent person recovered from fever. £575, s. a diseased state of the blood. ####so, s. a vein, artery, a blood-vessel. groñoso, s. the lochia, the issue of blood. gow, s. the large red waterlily.” zr:Foil, s. a leech, a blood-sucker. [ing. growits, e. the shedding of blood, a bleed#Ffoss, e. a vitiated state of blood and bile causing the spontaneous discharge of blood from the nose or mouth. রক্তপ্রবাহক, রক্ত বাহক, -নাড়ী, s. a vein, an goo, s. a stopping of blood. [artery. gross, a red, blood-colour. [the blood. grofoss, s. a change or diseased state of goto, s. a morbid discharge of blood from the uterus, lochia, issue of blood. [ 319 | 颈* gro, a, bloody, full of blood. [blood. **Foxloo, s. a phlebotomist, one who lets †ocuto, e. phlebotomy, the act of let ting blood; -o, to phlebotomise. 3rosso, Toss, a bloody, full of blood. gaffo, grosoft, a. smeared with blood, ####, e, an hemorrhage. [bloody. # *Tofo, s. a mutual shedding of blood. #fool, s, the seeds of Abrus precatorius. £foll, s, redness; -oss, red colour. £C£favi*, s. a kind of lotus; vide g*as. AC Floizi, s. red-ochre; red-stone, a ruby. Koo, s. a keeper, one who preserves or guards, a watchman, a protector. £ool, s, the preserving or taking care of a thing, the protecting of a person. # *ētā, afos, a capable of being preserved, salvable, defensible, preservable. £351,8. preservation, salvation, protection, defence, escape, security; -35, to save. †otoszí, offel, s. a preserver, keeper, saviour, defender, protector, guardian. ofo, kept, preserved, defended, guarded, protected, saved. [tion or defence. £osso, a under the process of preserva#5, or £551, s. a sinew, a nerve, a vein. z siūtai, convulsed, distorted, headstrong. {5}, or Tosol, v. a. to rub as clothes, to rub the body, to rub out corn or seed. £57, 8, the quick beating of a drum. For $7, T5 #fa, s. a rubbing, scrubbing, £osafo, s. a tendon, ganglion. [treading. 3 *, *, proper name, Rāma's grandfather. {{***, Tofo, s. names of Rāma. # Toof, s, the race of Raghu; the poem which treats of the ancestors of Rāma. o, w, a to colour, to dye, to paint. #3, 8 paint, colour, dye; dancing, acting, singing, sport, fun, merriment; field of battle;-wl, or -?, to paint, dye, colour. রঙ্গকর, রঙ্গাশিয়া, a. dying e. a dyer. of 5*, s. gaudiness, glaring or fine colour. garsfērni, a. glaring, fine, gaudy, showy. ofo, s. an actor, a dancer, a painter. osofa, s. a dying, colouring; a red flower. {*s*, s. dramatic antics, lascivious gestures, wantonness, sport, merriment.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৩১