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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৬

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তাক [ 24

  • $f qsTt, s. charity-land, land given for less than its value: ad. gratis, freely. of assists, s. a holder of charity-land. Sts 3. v. to inspissate, to thicken with

boiling, to weld, to stir round. ofgärt, of gütz, s, the welding of metals, the boiling of milk, inspissation. $Tfgù1, s. ídem: a. stirred round, thick ened, welded, tempered. STSE, v. to read, to repeat. [ing. Rosigg, s. a whirlpool, a reading, repeatsāIts g7, SIŤ 8 gizi, s. the reading or repeating of a passage from a book. Rostol, p. a. to read, recite, rehearse. *Nf351, a. shady, covered, concealed. SIIS Eig, s. current usage; a welcome. Ross&#1, s. a polypus of the nose. SIISZT, v. to ooze, to trickle: a. more. **If go, s. a throne, a chair of state. **Tars, s. a woman, a wife. Soissos, a. oozing, running, as the eyes. তাওরাণ, আওরাণি, s. a slight shower, the trickling of the eyes with a cold. *5tafīā1,8.companions: a, chief, vener able, respectable. sto, s. the body, a limb, a member. sta G1, s. a chafing dish. আRট, s, a ring. stofo, a having a right to a share. 2, intj. aye, aye! Oh aye! ah! alas! oil, ad, yes; a particle of assent; lowing ofoil, ad. yes, yes. [of a calf. sito, s. severity, tightness. o, or of £of, s, the scales of a fish. Riigis, s, the breadth-end of cloth. [ther. sĩfg5, v. to become flaccid, to droop, wisitesi, a drooping, flaccid, withered. ofesszi, s. a drooping, becoming flaccid. sắIs=ĩ, s. the secundines. [rabolan. Ringål, s, dried fruit of the Emblic my: আঁক, v, n. to be marked: v. a, to mark; -offiziès or gro, to cry out as a tiger. sito, s. a mark, a numerical figure; an eye; a goal; -ofä, to make a mark. Sff-FE, v. a. to grasp, to enfold, to catch. *isogost, s. a hook with a long handle. Rostol, s. a hook to hang things on. oisotoirosy, s. a mutual grasping. डीछे sitofa, s. the grasping with the arms. rifassog, s. a tendril, cirrhus. oisofos -535, to strut; -oster, to be contorted with excessive pain or cold. Starst, s. a vetch (Vicia sativa). sitoštof, s, fried vetch. sitors, isoft, s. a marking, the paging of a book, a writing down of numbers. *ital, a. marked, burnt to the vessel. oisofoitat, s. a mutual making of marks. *itasz, a. marked, page, numbered: 8. a marking, the paging of a book. oisotárol, a tortuous, crooked, winding. আঁকুবাকু, s, eagerness, haste. আঁখি, v. n. to vibrate, to oscillate. sfter, v. a. to vibrate, to fan. sit-isos,s, a fanning, a causing to vibrate: a. fanned, made to vibrate. আখি, ৪. an eye. আঁচ, v. to wash the mouth after eating. Roits, s. flame, heat; fault, blame. oisy, v. to tear, to lacerate, scratch. oissy, s. a bruise, a laceration, a rent. st5|gi, v. to tear, scratch, or scrape, to lacerate, to comb the hair, to card flax. sits gia, s. a tearing, or lacerating, a scratching, combing, or carding: a. torn, lacerated, combed, carded. [ing. <f5úfférai,a.tearing, laceratimg, scratchআঁচতাকুড়, 8. a place where sweepings, &c. are thrown, a sink. oissoszt,s. a rinsing or washing the mouth after a meal, a sipping of water. oissä, oilsål, s. the border of a cloth. oits, p. m. to wash the mouth; to guess. Roitsfo, s. a rinsing; a guessing. sista, s. a pickle. [guessing. offstoiffs, s. a mutual examination or siffszi, s. a wart, a mole, a pimple. *issiń1, s, the palms of the hands joined. Roffs, s, the plastering of a wall merely to stop the holes; the border of cloth. *iffsial, s, a species of lizard; a pustule on the eyelid; also, offorts. sity, v. a. to bind, to tighten, to pull tight. oilfää1444, to hold fast. Stö FF, a. childless; føm. SitöEfG.