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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯৮

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क्लश cotz, a jocose, funny: s. a jester, a কৌতুকেয়, a. showy, laughable. [zany. cota, s. a piece of cloth worn by the poor merely to cover the privities. cocast, s. seat of Kuvera; north quarter. cos, s. a nation, a tribe. [youth. costs, s. youth, childhood, the time of gossot, s, the divine mothers or energies of the gods, divine energy of Kārttika. কৌমুদী, s. the moon; rays of the moon; a title given to several books. কৌর A, s. family or race of king Kuru. *co, s. a promise, engagement, a vow. co, a, descended from a harlot. cofo, a, belonging to a family. colátrú, s. nobility of birth, nobility. colora, s. welfare, happiness; policy, a contrivance, art, device, a stratagem. - coco, ad. by a contrivance or stracostazīzos, s. artful discourse. stagem. cologg, a. silken, made of silk. cogs, s, the breast-jewel of Vishnu. #, s. kna, the compound of 75 and R. of s. kna class of compound letters. zos, s, kya, the combination of zo, and x. zool, s. the class of compound letters zo] kya, or the symbol (J). *śjfo, s. the sound of some birds. ক্যাছ, im. sound of cutting soft bodies. FITs, im. sd. expressive of a sudden kick: zùis of £1, suddenly, unexpectedly 35, s. kra, or the combination of x5 and os. GFF:s, s. a saw; a poor man; a partridge. ক্রকচ, করাত, s. a saw • Go, s. a sacrifice, an offering, worship. 35ozy, s. wailing, weeping, crying, lamen tation; the howling of an animal. Goiaastät, a weeping, lamenting. [ful. oftwarità, a, inclined to weeping, sorrow Fritz, a lamentable, fit to be wept. ofo, a. wept, lamented. GFXF1, s.those compound letters of which of is the last member, the symbol )م(; GFZ), S. flesh, raw flesh, meat. GFAJTW, s. a räkshas, a giant, a cannibal. o, s. a step, a degree, series, order, sucGolfo, s. a slope, a declivity. [cession. I 86 I জুর GIFTER s. an interruption in a series. Gooss, ad, gradually, regularly, in regular order, successively, in rotation. GF NfsfS, a. regular, uninterrupted, successive, regularly succeeding each other. of:[ofit, a following the direct order of a series: ad successively. o GF-fossos, s. the direct order of a series. §§Tossos, ad, successively, in rotation. in direct succession, in a regular series. of so, a, successive, gradual, regular. GCN, ad, gradually, successively. GFC-GFCI ad, gradually, by degrees. oCŞ(ISGFS, s. fits and starts, irregularity. Go, s. a purchase, the act of buying. Głoń, s. a purchaser, one who buys. Gogol, s, the act of purchasing any thing. Gżąõîîzî, a. purehasable, marketable. EFI f<TEFI,s.buying and selling, trade, trafGosfost, a. desirous of purchasing. [fic. &#t, a. purchasing, dealing. GFSU, a, exhibited for sale, purchasable. GFTS, a. stepped, gone, passed over. Gifě, s. ascension, a surmounting, surpassing; in acct. third part of a cauri. Gäßso, a. purchasing: s. a purchaser. *FfH, s. a complete reply, a rejoinder, the confutation of a plea. fäfs, s. an insect, a worm, a maggot. fosts, a. anthelmintic: s. a plant.” fĘfstāfz.1, s. cochineal. fosto, a. abounding with worms. foil, s. act, a deed, work, affair, action, religious act; -কুট, a body of works. fĘTFÉ1, s. the doer of a work, an agent. fossvio, s. in gram. a verb. [rious. İFŞIfztFI, a. abounding in works, meritofÈFHÍŘŮorge, s. in gram, an adverb. ūty, s. play, sport, a game, wantonness, sensual gratification. Flyftstyr, s. sport, pastime, enjoyment. pleasure; the connection of the sexes. άιψfzfA, a. gamesome, playful. Gālū, a bought, purchased. Go, a, enraged, angry, vexed. E, a cruel, unfeeling, hard-hearted, sewere, harsh, pitiless, terrible, hard, solid.