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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯৯

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ক্লোম IFFS, FIfS, s. cruelty, unfeelingness, “hard-heartedness, severity, harshness. FFTGIT, a. naturally unfeeling, pitiless. ক্রেতব্য, a. purchasable, fit for market. Cool, s, a purchaser, a customer. co, a purchasable, marketable. [lap. Coff, s, the bosom, breast or embrace, cosyoso, s. a supplement, an appendix, a postscript, a codicil to a will. C#18,8. anger, wrath, fury, rage, passion, Cososo, a. angry, wrathful, vengeful, ক্রোধাম্বিত, ক্রোধী, a. dem. [furious. Cosos, a ten millions: 8, the osprey. Cossi, 8. the fishing eagle or osprey.' Cofri, s. about two English miles. ক্রৌঞ্চ, s. a species of heron, the name of a mountain, and of a demon. [tinents. cēloštzi, s. ingeo, one of the seven con35, 8. a compound character of * and of. #3551, s. that class of compound letters the last member of which is ai. #fo, s, wearied, fatigued, tired, languid, #ffs, a. weariness, fatigue, languor. Fffērsā, a. fatiguing, wearisome, [ed. foot, a. moist, wet, damp, musty, corruptffo, a vexed, perplexed, afflicted, distressed, plagued, tormented. [ed, lean. fFÈ, distressed, fatigued, wearied, pinchfool, s. affliction, distress, weariness. foota,afflicted, distressed, suffering. £ta, a. neuter, impotent, hermaphrodite. zozo, s. neutrality, impotence, the condi tion of a hermaphrodite. #tzso, e. in gram, the neuter gender. CFR, s. moisture, pus, ichor, filth in a li quid state, the sordes ofthe body. Coos, s. distress, difficulty, perplexity, a strait, suffering, trouble, molestation, pain or anguish, labour, worldly care. Coso, C#"tos, a. distressing, vexatious, troublesome, afflictive, molesting. ক্লেশজনক, ক্লেশদায়ক, a. dem. Coin, 8, the act of giving trouble. o, CŞottso, a distressing, afflictive, persecuting, distressed, afflicted. oforo, a, broughtinto trouble or distress. CŞss, s, the bladder, urinary vessel. I 87 | ஆே o, ad, where? in what? s. a compound letter which expresses the sound kwa. ofss, ad somewhere, seldom, rarely. ol, or oqo, e. the sound of a stringed instrument, or of a metallic vessel. ofo, a twanged, made to sound. ofol, a giving out a ringing sound. asso, a decocted, boiled, stewed. **Foll, s, the name of all those compound letters of which as is the last member. assot, s. a decoction, extract, resin. *, *, kshya, a compound ofo and g; but being the last letter of the alphabet, it may well stand in its proper place.

  • s, the 2nd consonant; it has the sound of kh: s. the sky, the air, the atmosphere. or?, s. parched or fried grain;;ggr, a kind ***, a deep, navigable. [of sweetmeat. *I*Tostã1, s. a vessel for parching corn. *::Isostol, s. a variety of the Cobra de ofềsi s. oil-cake; the ear-wax. [capello. *too, s. kind of rice which is fried freely. of ags, of g, s. catechu, and its tree.” of astog, s. a species of heron. *Io, a. a sound expressive of hawking. ofossos, s. the letter ot. *15s, a. moving in the air, aerial: s. an aerial inhabitant, a bird. [of birds. *Issoise, s. a name of Garura the king *tisfossi, a.mean, inferior, bad of its kind. খগেন্দ্র, খগেশ, খগেশ্বর, s. side খগপতি, ottsff=i, s. the planisphere, the starry heaoscissofWJ, s. astronomy. [vens. ots, s. a ball of things tied together. *S*s, *. a mule, a mongrel: a. aerial, moving in the air. [beset, inlaid. *Isso, a. set as precious stonesina socket, offså, s. a ball, a bullet. orētasi, arī, s. a ladle, a spoon, **Total, e. wealth, treasure, revenue. ors foot, s. a treasurer, a paymaster. **, a lame, limping: s. a metre of two **R, s the wagtail; a tonjohn. [lines. of-sist, of soft, s. a tabor, a small drum. **s, s. a dagger, a poniard, a dirk, *sū, s. a kind of grass; phlegm.