বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (অষ্টম কল্প প্রথম খণ্ড).pdf/৪৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

*** A BEPLY TO THE QUERYowriat Is BRAHMoism so mode of worship and that system of:h obsorvi ng a Hindu form of propagation. propagation to be best suited for win. Our present great want is a Hones, ning ovér the вич; ority of their country; men to Brahmoism, it is their duty to follow othern although a southental catholicity may lead thcu to desire a so-called universal but grotesque form of propagation, a jarnolie Gł łł indu, Mahomedan and Christi:, :, fyrirts, mot likely at all to cond the respect of either Hindus or Christians or Mussu'mans. They should sacrifice their individual taste8 and inclinations at tbę shrine of duty, and support a strictly “Hindu node of propagation. Nay 1.wi ... t:" English-educated Braiannos siriorely desiri, the success of their be. hoved religion, they should themselves try their isost to bring over their orthodox triends, relatives and neighbours to the Brahmic faith instead of coli:it: ering them to be a separate race with whom little communication is to kept. For the purpose of accomplisiing the great task of winning ove the large body of their orthodox country men to Brahmism, union and Concentration of purpose are on the part of Brahmos for without such union we cannot expect to sticceed in accomplishing that great object. As yet we have not been Kjle to work much, if at all, upon the orthodox community. However limited their success, and however almost entirely confined that success is to a parti. cular class, that is the Euglish-edu. cated class, it is a matter of great joy that our missionaries are carrying the banner of Brahmrism into distant parts of this large continent but, more glad would I have been had they India.of ژ) ;{ necessary s o been able to influence orthodox disohe present great want of India towhom the Hindus can ፰ ̊ኛ፡ : '!': h ب - قنذ * to their own and who shall 恕、

fooyoo them, strictly

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, the Himalaya. & | reformer in the strictest sense of the word. Such a reformer will consider it his good fortune if his course of niissionary conduct eould leo d the ackrv. »tried had of the orthodox party 烹数% :::: ! a Governor General of : o, . . . . . . th: Toron. Samaj. Such મ ? , i tr11." જ્ય : ક;,kr t i;?. ambition

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גד -r+ ... ؟ ، ، ،۔ ، » : + '{ : « # ب : { {i} šÐ Þ tot tot to v:!trhy; styl ałło tigst the & $ s .. p : 3, } ." |W * 'r * #५४.**J', ४ :? ; ) ( { t j? • fi ertfă iariyas {}i latiia insirad of tlu i rev of Eni

  • * * * ،به تعی land tyd viere ty inlustee

Hindu Coulounity at large which is l (” gì v;itf. led by the former. Hie wit esert hs best to propagate orahmioison at IBenate8 amēi Mithila instead o!' ŁGndati and Edinburgh. As Sakya of old did with respect to the religion which he founded, he wiłł fight the great battle of Brahmoism with the Pundits Benares, that apparently iit ; Reguable stronghold of idolatry and supersii. tion, and, winning that battle, onvulso orthodox India from Cape to ૬. Wirwht The task souls at #"... sight to hes hçKet with Arìstuper

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...i.5, differtities; but to a retałły power řił mian tfroso diïÏîçıłties hre 1:othing, Great quaii#&tions are re quired te, fii a anali for the post of stti, r : r tırçır. }'te t** şt strøminetit of 3રહ {} alif ... * 、 。*置 * I****e t i*ra 1! 14 : ; ;"וירי181 יא"וי? איזאt: cal: ieve of (Sa:ł sł sí tistis « f {$x Rishis of old : :"...” dity than *ihngừ: # !, r-z#x, ; moi”, x# Hindu and silent action that Europeae or ventionalism and noise, etch unostettatiousness being evinced by greater dependance upon Inodestfriendy visito to people and familiar conversation with them on the subject of religion. than upon any other means of propa zx、 - H } . دa i ^ ^. ryແf ì. sirupt, .cv, únistetitations:t**s