পাতা:ঢাকার ইতিহাস দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.djvu/১৪০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

১২• ঢাকার ইতিহাস। [২য় খণ্ড they had sprung. Manifest impossibilities exaggerations and superstitious beliefs such as which we must expect to find mixed up with historical reminiscences in popular tradition, are reproduced without a mark of doubt and critical misgiving : All the above observations combine to show that Kalhan knew nothing of that critical Spirit which to us now apears the indespensible qualification of the Historiam. Prepared as he himself is to believe, we cannot expect him to have chosen his authorities to the events they profess to relate. Still less can we credit him with a critical examination of the statements he chose to reproduce from them.” (5) I Allusions have been made already to the fact that the Indian mind has never learned to divide mythology &legendary tardition from true history. That siprit of doubt does not arise which alone can teach how to separate tradition from historic truth, to distinguish between the facts and the reflections they have left in the popular mind”; (3) (5) Stein's Introduction to Raj Tarangini Page 28, (*) Stein's Introduction to Raj Earangini Page 29,