পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/১৩৭

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

132 compactly built, and is so much smaller, that fort, such cities as Philadelphia might stand within th walls of Ancient Babylon. A bridge was built across the river in the mid. dle of the city. At the east end of the bridge was the old palace, covering four of the city squares. At the west end was N ebuchadnezzar's new palace, which, with the courts and gardens, occupied nine squares. The temple of Belus stood near the old palace. This was probably the tower which the postdiluvians began to build, one hundred years after the flood, intending to raise it so high as, if another deluge should come, to secure those who should shelter in it from being drowned. When God punished their impietý by confounding their language, so that they could no longer understand one another, they were obliged to leave the building unfinished. But it was subsequently completed, and consecrated to the worship գք Beł, by soue oť the kings of Babylon. It was built of briek, and, consisted of eight towers raised one above auother, The lowest tower was a square of six hundred feet