পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/১৮১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

176 with skins of animals. The sailors forced them through the water with long oars or poles. The bridge too, that was built over the river, was рдоbably then crowded with passengers, returning to their homes after the business of the day, or passing to the scenes of their evening's amusement. Here and there, in different parts of the city, were the towers of heathen temples, where wicked and abominable acts of worship were performed in honour of their false gods. Far in the distance, on the borders of the ity, though still within the walls, was a beau tiful"open country, full of groves, and pastures, and cultivated fields. There the millet and sesame grew luxuriantly. The former was a coarse grain, and from the latter an oil was obtained, which was used by the Babylonian's instead of olive-oil. Wheat and barley of a gigantic size, the leaves of which were four fingers broad, or broader than the leaves of Indian corn, were waving in the fields. Upon the walls, it is probable that many soldiers were stationed, and chariots and horse Inen passing to and fro, Northward of the city