পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/৬৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

64 Nebuchadnezzar believed that God had made him dream, but he was a very proud, ambitious man still. Just so it would be if every man was inspired to know the truth. - Those who pretend that it is for want of evidence they do not believe and obey the Bible, would not obey the truth, if God should give them such evidence as they could not possibly dispute; because they are of evil inclinations and habits. God means, by giving revelation as he has done, to try the hearts of men, and see whether they love the truth or not. He will not force men to compliance, nor be pleased with a faith or an obedience that does not proceed from a heart impressed with divine love, and so engaged-to a true devotion. Notwithstanding Daniel had informed the king that the secret of his dream was revealed by God, who alone could know it, he gave too much credit to Daniel, who had only explained what God had told him. He prostrated himself, as a humble worshipper, before the youthful prophet, com manding that an oblation and sweet odours should