পাতা:মিত্র-রহস্য - রায় বিহারী মিত্র.pdf/৯৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( lxi... ) the Government and the public how he deserves recognition at the hands of the former; and we feel confident that when we have unfolded his mainfold services to Government, to Bengali literature and to the cause of charity and humanity, they are sure to be appreciated. from the Indian Empire, dated, Tuesday, June 6, 1911, Bengali Beneficence Some time ago some of our Anglo-Indian contemporaries grandiloquently stated that the spring of Bengali beneficence had dried up and that the public spirit of Bengalis was visibly and appreciably on the wane. It was no doubt a mean libel, worthy perhaps of those that committed it but utterly undeserved so far as the Bengalis were concerned. The list every year issued by Government shewing the amounts given away by private individuals for public charities and institutions, is the clearest refutation of the charge levelled by the Anglo-Indian press against the Bengalis. It is perhaps not everyone who can get a glimpse of this return, because if it appears as a part of the official Gazette it is only publicists and officials who enjoy the privilege of seeing it. It is, therefore, the duty of flhe